Sorry for the lack of photographs and such. School/work/moving out/life is getting a little hectic so its been hard to get out and shoot some stuff.

Here's a really old picture of my nephew Seth.

A poster I designed for Jesse and his Live At Lunch program at LCI. Definitely a cool idea Jesse, good job .

I would like everyone who looks at my photography to also check out my good friend Leslie's Blogspot.
He (finally) made himself a Blogspot and it looks phenomenal. It's definitely the best layout to a Blogspot that I have ever seen.

His photography is top-notch. I enjoy looking at his portrait photographs a lot.

I highly encourage you all to take a moment and look at his page:

(A link can also be found on the left-hand side of my page, titled 'Leslie Ohene-Adjei')

On the way to Las Vegas...